There are thousands of simple to complex assistive technology (AT) products ranging in price from a few dollars to thousands of dollars. Product usefulness depends on the person’s specific needs and circumstances; so, it is important to be a smart consumer. When searching for AT, consider the following:

1. Can I Try It Before I Buy It?

  • Before making a purchase – especially for expensive items – are you able to try the product to make sure it meets your needs?
  • In addition to Illinois, every state has an Assistive Technology Act Program that demonstrates and lends out equipment. To find your state program, click here.

2. Can I Afford It?

  • Do you know how much the item(s) will cost?
  • If cost is an issue, is funding available through government agencies, health or worker’s comp insurance, financial loan programs, community organizations, family members etc.?
  • Will similar, but less expensive items work as an alternative?

3. Where Can I Get It?

  • Is the item available only through a rehabilitation or medical supply company or can you buy it at Amazon, Walmart, Target, “Dollar” stores, etc.?
  • Are preowned or used items available to you through Equipment Reuse programs? To find your state program, click here.

4. Can the Item be used for More than One Purpose?

  • Can the item be used for multiple tasks or only for a specific activity?
  • Can it be used by other people in your home?
  • Do you have the space to store this item where you can easily get to it?

5. Will I Need Training to Use It?

  • Will you be able to use the device out of the box or will you need training?
  • Who can provide training if needed? Possible options include the vendor’s customer service department, (phone or online), someone in your support network (family, friend, caregiver, therapist, etc.), or an AT Professional in your area or state.

6. Is there a Warranty?

  • Do you understand the company’s policy for returning, repairing, and/or replacing the product if it doesn’t work or it breaks?